Please Add this Email to Your Address Book!
Please add execadmin@unityeasternregion.org to your email address book.
This will help ensure all conference access materials are delivered to you without any issues.
How will the conference be held?
The 2023 Fall Conference will be 100% virtual, meaning all parts will be broadcast on the internet using software to allow for interactivity and participation.
What is Zoom?
Zoom is an application that allows groups to facilitate online gatherings. It includes the ability for displaying video feeds of the participants, as well as screen sharing and other tools to allow for an interactive experience.
What do I need to participate in the conference?
You will need a computer or mobile device with sound. For interactive portions of the conference, you will need to have a working microphone and web camera (already on most laptops and mobile devices.)
How will I access Zoom after I’ve paid?
After completing your registration, you will receive a receipt of your purchase. 24-48 hours before the start of the conference, you will begin to receive a series of emails with access links to your sessions. FREE session links will be sent out first and then each day, links for the following day sessions will be sent.
Is there any event that is in-person at the conference?
All events and sessions are 100% virtual. No in-person events will be held for Unity Eastern Region through the end of 2023.
How can I see a session if I am not able to attend during that specified time?
After the completion of the conference, the Eastern Region will be making some sessions available for purchase online.
All of the UWMER 2023 Conference Sessions are waiting room enabled.
You will be entered in a waiting room before the start of each session.
What is the cost of the virtual conference?
The cost for total access to the conference is $257. Access to individual sessions may be purchased at $47 per session.
When does registration close for the conference?
Registration for the conference will close on September 25, 2023.
What is the refund policy of the conference?
Refunds will be available until September 25, 2023. Please note that a 3.5% handling fee will be assessed on all refunds.
CEUs Are Being Handled Differently by UWM
UWM no longer pre-certifies CEUs for Ministers and LUTs. The UWM Eastern Region has designed and is offering sessions which we believe are CEU worthy and in relevant areas such as inclusivity, ethics, ministry operations, methods of teaching and self-care practices. Ministers and LUTs are required to track and document their potential CEUs and submit them yearly with their annual report. Please maintain copies of all registration confirmations and payment receipts for your records.
Didn’t Receive Your Access Links?
Contact us via our support page or via email
You should receive your links via email 24-28 hours prior to the start of your sessions. Please contact us at execadmin@unityeasternregion.org or at unityeasternregion.org/support/
UWMER Zoom Guidelines
Please visit our Zoom Guidelines for helpful hints to make your Zoom experience easier.
Access to Videos After Conference
Available for Free for All Paying Registrants
Each registrant will receive an email approximately 14 days after the completion of the conference containing links to the recorded sessions.