Consultant Services
For close to 20 years now, Unity Eastern Region has benefitted from the deep insight, dedication and vibrant presence of Rev. Pat Bessey as our Ministry Consultant and Regional Representative. In the words of scripture, “to every thing there is a season,” and the season has come for our beloved Rev. Pat to move on to new and amazing adventures in ministry. Rev. Pat’s last day in her official roles with the Eastern Region was August 25th, 2024. The Eastern Region Board will be re-evaluating the roles of Ministry Consultant and Regional Representative, making sure all essential functions are covered, and anticipating next steps forward in the new year.
If you are seeking support for your ministry or yourself, please contact Cherrie Ruffo.
Of course, Pat Bessey will continue to be a powerful light of love in our region and in the Unity movement, and we can’t wait to see what wonderful good will come from this! Please plan to join us at the Eastern Region Fall Conference, either in-person or online, when we will honor and celebrate the legacy of Rev. Pat Bessey with all the bells and whistles she deserves.