Unity Eastern Region Ministry Profile
Unity by the Bay
Minister: Rev. Sarah Phillips

About Unity by the Bay
Unity by the Bay is a loving, affirming spiritual community located on the Broadneck Peninsula, northeast of Annapolis. We have been at our current location, on 4 acres of wooded land 4 miles west of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, since the summer of 2015, when we left the space in Severna Park that had served us so well for more than 20 years. You are welcome to join us in person or online for our Sunday morning services and mid-week meditations (Wednesdays at noon). We offer a variety of in-person and online classes and special events. More information is available at our website, unitybythebay.org.
Sunday mornings: livestreaming begins at 10:25 am, service begins at 10:30 am
Wednesdays at noon: mid-week meditation, join us in person in our sanctuary or online through our website
Meet the minister

About Rev. Sarah Phillips
Unity by the Bay welcomed Reverend Sarah Phillips as our minister in April 2022. She had previously served as the spiritual leader for the Unity congregations in Frederick, Maryland, and Fredericksburg, Virginia. She holds the office of treasurer on the Board of Trustees of Unity’s Eastern Region.
Reverend Sarah’s passion for ministry started in 1999 when she became a spiritual life coach. She found Unity in 2006 and became a licensed Unity teacher in 2016. Becoming a Unity minister was a natural evolution of her journey. She was ordained in 2020.
Her personal practice includes meditation, Tantra, Qi Gong, working out at the gym, and ensuring balance between connecting with others and alone time. Her passion for being a purposeful creator flows in all areas of her life. She creates art, safe space, and, most importantly, her own life experience. Her mission in life and in ministry is to help others create the life they want to live.
UBB is truly blessed by Rev. Sarah’s energy and enthusiasm!
Ministry Events
Prayer Class: How to Pray Without Talking to God
Bringing Mindfulness into Everyday Life
Palmistry~ Your Magical Hands Presented by: Dr. Gwen MacGregor
Ministry Information
Unity by the Bay
Annapolis MD 21409 United States