Unity Eastern Region Ministry Profile
Unity Church of Christ
Minister: Reverend Rebecca Galati

About Unity Church of Christ
Unity Church of Christ is an open hospitable commUnity of people committed to spiritual growth as a way of transforming lives. Our aim is to teach Practical Christianity and metaphysical interpretation of the Bible as proved and shared by our co-founders, Charles & Myrtle Fillmore. When applied consistently to our lives it has been our experience that these teachings are invaluable as they enhance and encourage us on our spiritual journey.
Within our facility you will find a comfortable narthex where fellowship and refreshments take place and a beautiful sanctuary where empowering messages with inspiring music are held.
It is our pleasure during opening service to acknowledge the presence of newcomers and present them with a Welcome Packet. If you prefer not to be acknowledged we will respect your wishes with a blessing of love and gratitude for joining us.
We thank you in advance for the blessing of your presence with us knowing that you are also a blessing to the world!
Sunday Services: 10 am In-person and Facebook Live
Wednesday Meditation Service: 8 to 8:30 pm on Zoom.
Zoom Link, ID, and Password available in our Sunday Bulletin & Weekly Email Blast.
Children’s Church – 10 am the first Sunday of each month
Children’s are welcome in our sanctuary anytime under the supervision of a parent or gaurdian. The first Sunday of each month children are taught Unity Principles at their level of understanding under the supervision of caring adults who have received background checks and specialized training. Snacks are provided.
All children must be signed in and out by an adult who remains on church property.
We hold numerous educational, spiritual and social events throughout the year.
Click HERE for our website and more information
Meet the minister

About Reverend Rebecca Galati
Reverend Rebecca is a Licensed Unity Teacher and an Ordained Unity Minister. She has been active in Unity Church of Christ as a congregant since 1990. Her Unity journey began in 1989 at Unity Church of Christianity in Houston, Texas where she was employed as an assistant to the pre-school and nursery director. She continued her employment with Unity Church of Christ when she was originally hired as Assistant Child Care Supervisor and later as Director of Pastoral Care. Rebecca has participated as a Unity Singer at Unity Church of Christ, has been on the Fellowship Ministry, Ministry Head of Greeting, and has served as Board Secretary, Board Treasurer, and Board President. She entered the Licensed Unity Teacher Program in 2007 and was licensed in 2012. It was during this period that Reverend Rebecca became aware that she was ‘to do more’ and made the decision to enter the Field Licensing Path to become a Unity minister. She was ordained right here at Unity Church of Christ. She began serving part-time when she was licensed in 2015 and full-time when she was ordained in 2017.
Reverend Rebecca loves practicing and living the Unity Principles that have helped her to transform her life. She has a deep affection for metaphysics and receives great joy in serving her church family commUnity. She is a joyful, enthusiastic, loving, and compassionate presence. Come experience the essence of her light!
Ministerial Team
Church Minister – Rev. Rebecca Galati, OUM, LUT
Music Minister – Missy O’Brien
Minister Emeritus – Rev. John Salunek, OUM
Ministry Information
Unity Church of Christ
Mount Laurel NJ 08054 United States