Unity Eastern Region Ministry Profile
Unity of Greater Hartford
Minister: Rev. Christine Boylan, M.Div.

About Unity of Greater Hartford
Sunday Celebration Service: 10:30 am in our sanctuary. Open to in-person attendance as well as viewing the service in real time on Facebook, on our Website (unityhartford.org) and on our YouTube channel.
On the first Sunday of the month, we have a Community Potluck meal after the Sunday Service. We also celebrate all those who have birthdays in that month with a Birthday Cake.
On the second Sunday, we hold a Children’s’ Gathering which includes music, prayer and a fun activity.
Following the service we invite you to join us in Welcoming Fellowship in our Community Room. Beverages and snacks provided.
Meet the minister

About Rev. Christine Boylan, M.Div.
Rev. Christine Boylan, M.Div.
Rev. Christine, who is a Masters in Divinity graduate of Unity Institute as well as an ordained Unity Minister, has been serving Unity of Greater Hartford since Advent of 2016. She also became a Licensed Unity Teacher in 2012. She is originally from Pennsylvania and now truly calls Connecticut her home!. Her Havenese pup, Abby, is also loving being a church dog!
She is a a former business creator and owner and has an entrepreneurial spirit. Her 20-year business involved being the day-to-day executive management team leader of multiple non-profit membership associations which are similar to churches. She is someone who loves the administrative and business aspects of organizations while at the same time never losing sight of the importance of people, relationships and community.
One of the major themes in her life is service. Rev Christine is someone who meets people where they are and seeks to be of service as they desire. She has demonstrated the ability to sit with another’s pain yet hold them in the light of their Truth as a divine expression of God. Service also is demonstrated in her teachings. She loves to teach Unity SEE classes as well as creating original and unique workshops with themes ranging from Self Empowerment and Transformation to Unity Prayer and Metaphysical interpretations of Bible stories.
If you have any questions about our church or how you too can be of service, please contact Rev. Christine. All are welcomed, valued and included!
Ministry Information
Unity of Greater Hartford
South Windsor CT 06074-0599 United States